Author: NWHCMUD 28
Our New Garbage Collection Contractor
Based on resident-feedback, service experience, and proposal analyses, the NWHC MUD#28 Board of Directors voted to begin garbage collection services with another contractor at the conclusion of our contract with Republic Waste Services. As of November 1, 2020, we will begin service with Best Trash. You can learn about our new garbage contractor at, including the:
Important aspects of our garbage collection service will remain the same:
- Garbage collection days will remain the same: Monday and Thursday.
- Collection carts/garbage cans will be provided, maintained, and replaced by Best Trash.
- Problems can be communicated directly to Best Trash.
Some aspects of our service will change after our transition:
- Increased Garbage Collection – Best Trash observes two fewer holidays than our current contractor.
- Increased Heavy Trash Collection – Heavy trash can be collected on each garbage collection day, not just once per month.
- Recycling Will be Suspended – As explained in a Yale Environment 360 article, China’s decision to no longer accept recycling from the United States has driven the price of recycling service to exorbitant levels. We share in the sentiments imparted in a March 2019 article by Alana Samuels in The Atlantic:
“We are doing our best to be environmentally responsible, but we can’t afford it,” said Judie Milner, the city manager of Franklin, New Hampshire. Since 2010, Franklin has offered curbside recycling and encouraged residents to put paper, metal, and plastic in their green bins. When the program launched, Franklin could break even on recycling by selling it for $6 a ton. Now, Milner told me, the transfer station is charging the town $125 a ton to recycle…”
Due to the increase in recycling price, and the requirement to provide the service to all residents, offering curbside recycling would cost all of us an additional $2,898.50 per month, or $34,782 per year. In an effort to be fiscally responsible, we must cease curbside recycling until conditions change. For those residents who opted-in to curbside recycling with Republic Services, our last day of collection will be October 21, 2020.
We look forward to the residents of Normandy Forest beginning a new and productive relationship with Best Trash. Please submit any questions you have via the Contact Us on this website.
NWHC MUD#28 Board of Directors